Breaking: Video Blogger Tasha K Threatens to Kill Investigative Reporter, Judge Issues Protective Order: “Surrender Firearms!”


Breaking: Video Blogger Tasha K Threatens to Kill Investigative Reporter, Judge Issues Protective Order: “Surrender Firearms!”

Last week, a Virginia District Court judge issued a Protective Order against video blogger Latasha Transrina Kebe aka Latasha Transrina Howard aka TashaK who operates a Youtube Channel UnwinewithTashaK. According to reporting, veteran journalist Dennis Byron was working on an in-depth investigative story involving cyber-bullying and Latasha Kebe (also known as TashaK) was the subject of his reporting.

During the course of his investigation, Byron interviewed several of her former neighbors. One particular neighbor told Mr. Byron that she was a friend of Tasha K and wouldn’t be interested in participating in the story. Other neighbors fully cooperated. Once Ms. Kebe learned that there was a Investigative reporter asking questions about her, she concocted  a story suggesting Byron’s sole purpose of being there was to stalk her daughter.

On March 29th, Kebe broadcasted live on her Instagram a false and reckless story telling her 54,000 followers that Mr. Byron came to her old neighborhood a total of three (3) times asking about her child.

According to Mr. Byron, his sole purpose for visiting her old neighborhood was because he was working on a story regarding cyber-bullying and Ms. Kebe was the subject of his investigative reporting.

Mr. Byron believes the only reason why Ms. Kebe made up this elaborate story was to garner sympathy from her followers and to interfere with his investigation into her online cyberbullying behavior.

In another posting by Tasha K, she threatens to shoot Mr. Byron “one to the head and one to the heart” if he comes to her home. Mr. Byron viewed this as a direct threat on his life and took appropriate action.

On the same day, Mr. Byron received a call from an individual claiming to be the father of Latasha Kebe. The caller stated that he, along with his people, would be paying Mr. Byron a visit in Atlanta. When Mr. Byron asked “why would you be paying me a visit,” the caller angrily responded that “You’ll find out once I get there.”

Mr. Byron took that as a direct threat.

Mr. Byron has audio recordings supporting that he was only in her old neighborhood for approximately 15 minutes and never asked a single question about her child (or any other children).

During those false and malicious claims, Kebe directed her instagram followers to go to Mr. Byron’s instagram page and download images of him to make defamatory posts about him.

From Mr. Byron’s investigation, Kebe has a history of bullying people on her various social media platforms for one reason or another.

In one particular incident, Kebe called a Pennsylvania hospital pretending to be the cousin of a woman who had just given birth. Kebe claimed the new mother was the mistress of celebrity talk show host Wendy Williams’ husband, Kevin Hunter. Kebe broadcasted the legal name of the woman and the hospital location of the newborn in a video viewed more than half a million times.  Kebe claimed she was outing Kevin Hunter for allegedly having an affair with the new mother and fathering a child.

It should be noted that the State of Pennsylvania is a two-party state where both parties must be told that their call will be recorded. Illegally recording someone without their knowledge is a felony offense. From the below video, that wasn’t done.

Byron believes that recording alone proves Kebe will go to great lengths to concoct a story just for views, likes and monetary gain. Kebe has also been accused of unlawfully using images belonging to photographers without their consent triggering copyright claims on Youtube, facebook and instagram while monetizing the illegally obtained photos and videos.

In another incident Kebe accused Atlanta’s Celebrity Stylist Kash Howard of being a part of a “pedophilia sex ring” involving singer R. Kelly. Kebe labeled Ms. Howard a “transitional madam” causing pain and suffering to her. We interviewed Howard on numerous occasions and she vehemently denies knowing of any illegal activities committed by the singer and pointed out that she has styled many celebrities over the course of 10 years and operates a successful clothing boutique in the Atlanta area.

We also spoke with one of our sources at the GBI (Georgia Bureau investigations) who investigates cyber-bullying and organized gangs. Our source believes there may be a nexus to what Ms. Kebe is doing.

According to our investigation, Kebe operates several Instagram pages with the handles “winogang” “winogang2” “winogang3” for the sole purpose of having her members stalk, harass, and intimidate the people she is blogging about on her infamous YouTube channel “UnwinewithTashaK.” Because her channel is being monetized, and she is imploring others to engage in possible criminal activity, there is a need to carefully examine Kebe’s business practices.

Under Georgia law, O.C.G.A 16-5-3 (1), criminal gang activity means the commission, attempted commission, conspiracy to commit, or solicitation, coercion, or intimidation of another person to commit any of the following offenses: racketeering, stalking, rape, aggravated sexual battery, aiding or encouraging a child to escape from custody, criminal trespass, criminal damage to property and any other criminal offense that involves the violence, possession/use of a weapon.

What is Criminal Gang Activity Under Georgia Law?

Under Georgia law, O.C.G.A 16-5-3 (1), criminal gang activity means the commission, attempted commission, conspiracy to commit, or solicitation, coercion, or intimidation of another person to commit any of the following offenses: racketeering, stalking, rape, aggravated sexual battery, aiding or encouraging a child to escape from custody, criminal trespass, criminal damage to property and any other criminal offense that involves the violence, possession/use of a weapon.

What Are Georgia’s Laws on Criminal Gang Activity?

Georgia’s criminal gang activity laws are set out under O.C.G.A. 16-15-4 and makes it unlawful for:

  • A person employed or associated with a criminal street gang to conduct or participate in criminal gang activity through the commission of a crime;
  • Any person to commit an offense with the intent to obtain or earn membership or maintain or increase his or her status or position in a criminal street gang;
  • Any person to acquire or maintain, directly or indirectly, through criminal gang activity or proceeds derived from any interest in or control of any real or personal property of any nature, including money;
  • Any person who occupies a position of organizer, a supervisory position, or any other position of management or leadership with regard to a criminal street gang to engage in, directly or indirectly, or conspire to engage in criminal gang activity;
  • Any person to cause, encourage, solicit, recruit, or coerce another to become a member or associate of a criminal street gang, to participate in a criminal street gang, or to conduct or participate in a criminal gang activity;
  • Any person to communicate, directly or indirectly, with another any threat of injury or damage to the person or property of the other person or of any associate or relative of the other person with the intent to deter such person from assisting a member or associate of a criminal street gang to withdraw from such criminal street gang;
  • Any person to communicate, directly, with another any threat or injury or damage to the person or property of the other person or of any associate or relative of the other person with the intent to punish or retaliate against such person for refusing to or encouraging another to refuse to become or obtain the status of a member or associate of a criminal street gang;
  • Any person to communicate, directly, with another any threat or injury or damage to the person or property of the other person or of any associate or relative of the other person with the intent to punish or retaliate against such person for providing statements or testimony against criminal street gangs or any criminal street gang; and,
  • Any person to communicate, directly, with another any threat or injury or damage to the person or property of the other person or of any associate or relative of the other person with the intent to intimidate, deter, or prevent such person from communicating to any law enforcement or corrections officer, prosecuting attorney, or judge information relating to criminal street gangs, criminal street gang members or associates, or criminal gang activity.

For Mr. Byron’s part, he wants Latasha Kebe aka #TashaK to desist from her reckless behavior as she has caused unnecessary stress to him and his family and he wants her held accountable for her actions. When asked what did he want to see happen to all those who have attacked him on social media, Byron stated “No one, especially a professional reporter doing his job, should be attacked or intimidated by any individual because they are uncomfortable with being the subject of a story.” Mr. Byron points out that he doesn’t know Kebe personally nor holds any malice for her. As a member of the press, he has a right and responsibility to thoroughly investigate stories so that the real facts are known and not contribute to fake news reporting.

We also asked Mr. Byron what role he feels platforms like Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter should play in combating cyber-bullying by their members, and he stated “ I recognizes that there is a fundamental right of the 1st Amendment (as it relates to freedom of speech) but those freedoms don’t guarantee an individual the right to bully or harass others for their self-gratification. People have committed suicide, and done other horrible things, because they have been bullied by people over the internet.

These companies have a responsibility to remove and ban individuals who don’t comply with the standards that provide a safe environment for all to enjoy. If companies are only concerned with impacting their bottom-line at the expense of others then the courts should be the place to hold these companies and individuals responsible.”

Instagram has deleted two of TashaK’s pages “TheWineBloggerLady” and “UnwinewithTashaK” (for possible harassment, cyber-bullying, and copyright claims).

On April 4th, Kebe was served with a criminal Protective Order by Gwinnett County Sheriffs and ordered to have no direct or indirect contact with Mr. Byron or his family members. In addition, she was ordered to surrender any firearms she may have in her possession.

Kebe is also being sued by rap superstar Cardi B. for the defamatory statements she made about her on her infamous youtube channel and we have also been told that there are several other lawsuits being filed against her business and her personally.

We have reached out to Youtube, Instagram and Facebook for an official statement. This is a developing story.

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