Updated – Pleasure P Finally Speaks Out About Fake Stories Floating on Internet About Him Being A Child Molester


    In a brillient move by his handles, three time Grammy nominated artist Marcus Cooper professionally known as Pleasure P speaks out for the first time after false rumors began making it’s round on some popular blog sites. Pleasure visited Power 105.1’s radio veteran Ed Lover and spoke in detail how these rumors have effected him and how he is planning on moving forward to explaining how his team will deal with the people responsible for slandering his name.

    Despite the fact that he has come out to speak on these allegations there are still some bloggers who will want to believe others instead of doing the responsible thing and give him the benefit of doubt.

    Here is a copy of the transcripted done by our folks over at Necolebitchie.com

    ” On How The Rumors started:
    It actually came from a no-face blogger, a person that don’t exist on the internet. A person who won’t show their face just decided “I’m going to put out some false information about Mr. Pleasure P. We dealing with it right now. I took off the R. Kelly tour just to deal with this issue. It’s a very serious matter and it could happen to anybody. It could happen to you. That a person put something out there like that and people actually believing it”.

    On If he has an idea of who is spreading this rumor
    It could be person(s), I’m not saying that i really know who it is. We are getting to the bottom of this and that’s why I’m not on tour. I’ve been nominated for three grammys and I haven’t been able to celebrate that. The same day as my nominations came through, I had to deal with this.

    On Where He Was When He First Heard About It
    I was just getting off the stage or on the bus. People started calling me, then I checked my twitter and people are like “I want to burn your cd” and I’m like “are you serious, for something that’s not even true”. Then I took off the tour and came to New York to deal with it.

    On If It could possibly have some truth in the rumor
    It’s out of left field. It’s done. it’s something that never happened

    On if the names on the documents were actually family members or people he knew:
    (Lawyer steps in and speaks). You gotta look at it this way. How do you defend yourself against a lie on the internet. It’s virtually impossible. The only thing that this unnamed person has come forward with are these documents and if you look at them they don’t make sense. They are cobbled together. There are different documents. We don’t know if they are real or not, I think they are phony. I don’t think anyone has really looked at them or read them. They have the name Marcus Cooper on them, they have the name Joseph Smith and Mariah Johnson but they don’t say anything about child molesting. And it wouldn’t make sense for documents that are from a family court, for anyone to be able to publish them because the law requires that these stay sealed for the safety of the minor children. The courts would never in a million years release documents like that and that’s how we know these are phony.

    On if he believes his former Group Members are behind the rumors
    I can’t say that I feel that I do and I can’t say that it ain’t them but we are going to get to the bottom of it. We are investigating it and we will reveal who the perpetrator is real soon.

    Lawyer: I don’t like to point fingers publicly, we are above that but I can say that I’m certain I know where these rumors came from. I just can’t talk about it right now because there are legal proceedings going on that that might effect.

    Pleasure P: Honestly I don’t want to talk about Pretty Ricky. We don’t have no relationship where I can sit back and talk about Pretty Ricky. I just want to keep it moving and everything on the positive. I have been nominated for three grammys. It’s bee a tough road. These are the things an artist has to go to. It’s a part of me becoming successful. Two successful tours and now I’m nominated for three grammys.

    On it being the price of fame
    I’m gonna be honest, I told my publicist Sydney “blogs don’t talk about me, I’m not worried about no blogs”. I got what I asked for but not in a positive way. They see me and Bria around all the time together and say “oh now he’s dating her” and it could be a big part of it too. I don’t know..

    On how it is effecting him personally
    If someone tried you like that and you can’t do nothing about it. I feel real hurt about it. I feel like I never got the chance to enjoy the fact that I got nominated for three grammys. Someone took that moment in my life from me. When I am 50 and I think back “Remember In 2009 when I was nominated for three grammys, I had to deal with…” I will always have to remember this situation as I go through life.

    Let’s just hope the damage that was done by the person or persons who were responsible for disseminating false rumors and fraudulent documents purporting to be from a Florida State court alleging that former Pretty Ricky band member Pleasure P was a child molester are brought to justice. Someone’s sick idea of a joke may have forever damaged this young man’s musical career.   

    What was more irresponsible was the fact that so many so called “journalists” posted the fictitious documents on their site as if it were a “breaking news” topic. When I first saw the documents I knew the story was suspect because of the mere fact that there was a reference made in the initial story that claimed the documents were supposed to be sealed. Most experienced journalists could have simply faxed those documents to the courts and verified the authenticity of it or see if there was in fact a judge who had signed such a court order. Clearly someone went to great extremes to make up the documents but a good forensic investigator and a few subpoenas will expose the culprits.

    Well Marcus Cooper professionally known as Pleasure P wasted no time in retaining high powered NY attorney Robert Meloni of the Law firm of Meloni, Meloni & McCaffrey, P.C., who released the following statement from his client’s website:

    “All of the recent rumors and accusations that are being circulated about me are 100% false. They are disgusting and vile; and they are being spread by individuals with their own sick agendas. The purported documents that are also being circulated are forgeries. I have never met or known anyone by the name of “A Goldstein” or Laura Goldstein or Ashley Goldstein, which I believe are fictitious names. I have never been represented by an attorney named Goldstein. For someone to go to such depths to assassinate my character and slander my good name is truly criminal. My attorneys are investigating this matter and will take all necessary and appropriate action to protect my name and reputation.”

    Unfortunately for some of those who posted the bogus story as breaking news may not have the last laugh because a search of this law firm’s track record of civil judgments’ in their favor are pretty high so let this be a lesion to you before you seek out to ruin a person’s name. Investigate the story thoroughly before you “report” on it. Special shout out to Sandrarose.com & Gyantunplugged.com for quickly posting accurate information about Mr. Cooper and providing the links to the courts to help clear up this mess. Check out his attorney’s credentials here http://www.robertmeloni.com/id2.html So you’ll know who you will be going up against.

    : Arjai on 12/03/2009 6:55PM

    These days, you don’t know what to believe however, when a claim like this has been made against you…you are obligated to find out if it’s true or not.

    For someone to go to the extent of filing charges against him, it seems like there may be some truth to it. I believe that if it’s happened once, it could just be a matter of time until it (or something similar) happens again. Having his records “sealed” doesen’t help him or the victim(s). I hope that if the claim against him is true, he has indeed gotten the help he needs and done the hard work of change. As a celebrity (debatable), he could use his platform to help others who have or will sturggle with this issue and others like it. That will require exposing himself and even more total transparency.

    We have no right to alter the lives of others in such a painful and damaging way. Still, there is help for those who find themselves in this place. I wish all of the people involved strength and courage to heal from the inside out.

    By: MUNCHOSGIRL on 12/04/2009 2:55PM



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    First Name: Marcus Last Name: Cooper



    Exactl y. There were so many messy gaps that weren’t filled in. They left pertinent information wide open for speculations. When it gets down to litigation there are no ifs, ands or butts, it is what it is. This was some BS from the get go. I feel bad for the young dude, he was just getting his solo career crackin, dating Eddie Murphy’s daughter and now this sh*t. Heads would roll, if I were him.

    AveIvy (2 hours ago)

    Whoever began this smear campaign should be prosecuted to full extend of the law. This stunt takes hating to a whole other level. It is Despicable. I hope this gentleman gets to the bottom of who exactly fabricated this BS.

    tomboy17 (5 hours ago)

    EmotionalSoldier77 (6 hours ago)

    Ummm, anybody could know if rape took place even if court documents are sealed … the question is, are there or is there anything in his past that is in (juvenile court) or any court, of something that he has done which would start all these rumors??? A QUESTION THAT WAS NEVER ANSWERED! So are there documents of stuff pertaining to him somewhere sealed?? cuzz im sure if somebody was raped, the victims aren’t the only ones who gonna know, so nobody needs court documents if they know!

    officialstellareese (8 hours ago)

    i be glad when this is over but even when it is over ppl are still goin to be talkin about it

    MzMuffin2007 (9 hours ago)

    It’s funny how the person who started that shit can go to jail. Forging court documents is a fucking felony!!! Don’t believe it look the shit up…I hope that nigga worth the jail time. And whoever believes this shit either slow ass fuck or have been molested in their life time. There aint no other excuse. People are so damn dumb. Common sense goes a long way.

    MzMuffin2007 (9 hours ago)

    I admit when I heard that there were court documents I believed that shit. The lawyers do have it. However, even the lawyers do not have the original copy!!! That goes to the court house. Second, there were two different dates on it! Big ups to the people who tried to do that dirty shit. The problem was, they were dumb! If they would have kept the date on their once you could believe it.

    NoNoNO…cannot b true…i dnt think it is….dat seal thing make alotta sence b wrd….i dnt think he did dat…nah…

    Tiffany69ify (10 hours ago)

    He did not do this, He would have to be a registered sex offender and he is not.

    kasmith11 (10 hours ago)  

    @prittygritty Yeah, if it’s something that’s damaging to your career. This wasn’t a lil’ rumor, it was HUGE!!!!! Good thing BIG news (TMZ, CNN, Access Hollywood, etc) didn’t pick up on this nonsense. I wonder why not, DING DING DING, cause they didn’t even believe it!!!

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