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Updated: Person Issues Death Threat over Net to Shawty Redd


Shawty Redd Arrives at Arraignment Hearing

Updated: The loss of any family member is a very painful thing but to what extremes do we vent our anger against the accused. Well apparently someone issued a death threat to Shawty Redd over at’s comments section claiming to be the son of Damon Martin, the man allegedly killed by Demetrious Stewart.

Raised by Wolves commenter explained to the person that issuing those type of threats were criminal but also sympathized with his loss. At press time the comment was removed from DJ Vlad’s page however evidence of it is still floating around on the net. 

Grammy nominated producer Demetrius Stewart known to the world as Shawty Redd made his first court appearance on the charge of murder in front of Henry County Judge Brown this morning.

Judge Brown explained to Mr. Stewart what he was being charged with and discussed the issue of giving him a bond.  While Shawty Redd was entitled to have been represented by a court appointed attorney for his bond hearing, he decided that since his own attorney was not in town at the moment, he wanted his case postponed for another date. As a result, Magistrate Judge Brown rescheduled his bond hearing for January 12 in which case he must remain in custody until the hearing. 


Magistrate Judge David Brown Explains to Shawty Redd His Rights During Hearing



Young Jeezy & Shawty Redd at his Birthday Celebration

Lead Detective Shares Some Details

Hip Hop Enquirer’s Dennis Byron spoke exclusively with the lead detective Wayne Bender in the case who stated that Mr. Stewart was fully cooperating with the investigation of the case and that he did contact 911 after the shooting which he stated occurred around 8:00 A.M. on New Year’s Day. Although there have been reports that Shawty Redd turned himself in to the police, we have learned from reliable sources that prior to his surrender  every effort was made to try and resuscitate the deceased individual. A witness to the incident has stated that they overheard a man fitting the description of the deceased making threats of violence to Mr. Stewart prior to the shooting and that the weapon used was legally registered to him.


Updated: What Do We Know About The Deceased?

photo has been removed as per request by family member.

Damon A. Martin, a 35 year old resident of Detroit is believed to be the person shot by Mr. Stewart. We have learned  from our sources that the deceased may have been associated with a notorious gang out of Detroit. At the time of his death he was in possession of a fake ID which was the reason why he couldn’t be identified by law enforcement.

Present in court today was Shawty Redd’s grandmother and representatives of Mr. Stewart’s management company.

“This is truly a sad situation today in hip hop as I have known Shawty Redd for over 5 years as his personal photographer and friend and he is one of the kindest and giving people I know. It was very difficult for me to even report on this news story as it’s never easy reporting on someone that is so close to me. My prayers go out to the entire Stewart family as this is such a tragic situation.”  Dennis Byron

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