Shots Fired! – LisaRaye Blasts Vivica’s For Her “Cougar” Like Ways
Whatever Happened to Growing old Gracefully?
There used to be a certain decorum expected from a woman beginning to advance in years. We expect reckless behavior from the twenty-five and under crowd, but the thirty-five and up crowd? Actually when it comes to the catfight between Lisa Raye and Vivica Fox, we’re talking the forty plus crowd. Really ladies?
Since being introduced to LisaRaye years ago as Diamond, the righteous stripper in the 1998 black man’s fantasy flick Player’s Club, we’ve seen her in several b-rated movies and later do some poorly touted straight to DVD flicks. She scored points with black media when she married the prime minister of the Turks and Caicos, but a few years later we weren’t surprised to see her at the helm of a messy divorce dogging out her ex-husband to any media that would give her a byline.
The divorce gossip was filled with infidelity, domestic violence and various other accusations from the disgruntled actress as she was stripped of her claim to royalty. Fast forward to 2010 and a forty-plus year old Diamond…uh..I mean LisaRaye just released a topless photo spread in Giant magazine. She’s also still pouring salt on the ex-hubby and now has a new target to hate on fellow actress Vivica Fox.
During a recent interview with an Atlanta gossip site, LisaRaye blasts Vivica for being a “cougar” and kissing all over young men, while at the same time insists she would never have been seen doing anything like that unless she was about to marry the person.
We’re the first to admit that Vivica has had some questionable antics over the last few years. From dancing as a video chick alongside Crunk music inventor Lil John, to her very public dalliance with hip hop’s bad boy 50 Cent, to her numerous run-ins with the plastic surgeon Vivica has managed to secure her spot in the urban gossip rags. Still one has to admit, Vivica’s body of work over her twenty some odd year career is impressive to say the least. She is undeniably a member of the A-list black Hollywood set, and has proven herself to be a versatile actress.
Vivica took the high road and remained silent on Lisa Raye verbal attack, choosing instead to have her publicist Kim Tuney publicly dismiss LisaRaye and her statement as irrelevant.
It’s ironic that two women who are considered some of the most attractive and admired black women in Hollywood would result to less than “graceful” ways at this time in their career. I’d also be remiss not to point out that both women played the role of an exotic dancer in a movie; Lisa Raye in Player’s Club and Vivica in Independence Day. If I were to pit the two movies against one another Independence Day would win hands down when it comes to class and substance, by the same token if we at the Hip Hop Enquirer had to pick a side between these two, we’d have to side with our girl Vivica. At the end of the day, having even a little class always rises above simply showing a bit of *ss.
Lois Lane is a Senior Writer for Hip Hop Enquirer who gives you all the dirt and juicy gossip of today’s celebrities. If you want to send Lois Lane your juicy gossip email her at: And of course your identity will remain a secret!