I’m That Baby’s Daddy

    I’m That Baby’s Daddy

    Democratic Presidential hopeful John Edwards has finally admitted what alot have already suspected that he was the father of his mistress child. Edwards released a statement Thursday finally admitting to
    fathering Frances Quinn Hunter during his second White House bid in 2007. The admission comes ahead of the Feb. 2 release of a book by former Edwards aide Andrew Young that is expected to describe
    how Edwards worked to hide his paternity with Young’s help. His announcement comes on the heals of wife Elizabeth Edwards anouncing the seperation of the two. 

    His former aide claims that just before Edwards  2008 bid for the White House, he was asked to claim he was the actual father of mistress Frances Hunter’s child.  When Young realized that he was “played” by the Senator, he decided to write his tell all book. Young also claimed the Senator wanted him to fake a DNA test that would have proven Edwards was not even the father…just think what he would have done if he got into the White House? 

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