Drama Alert: Basketball Wives’ Co-star Arrested On the Set of Reunion Show For Assault – Taken Away in Handcuffs!


    Suzie Ketcham

    At approximately 5:30pm Monday, Los Angeles Police was called to the set of the taping of the reunion show for Basketball Wives’ when co-star Suzie Ketcham, the former girlfriend of NBA star Michael Olowokondi took a bucket of water and threw it at a surprise guest.

    sandra007 croppedAccording to our sources, Sandra Lopez who goes by the moniker “Sandra007” realized she was about to be assaulted and was retreating when she slipped and fell from the water being thrown by Ketcham. Sources stated that Lopez appeared to be seriously injured from the fall and was rushed to the hospital. After police questioning of Ketham, she was handcuffed and taken to the Los Angeles county jail.

    We are told that the entire audience witnessed what happened so it should not be too difficult to get a witness to testify assuming the case ends up in a courtroom.

    HHE spoke exclusively with Lopez after her first unexpected appearance on the show and as she tells us she believed that the show had portrayed her inaccurately and that she wanted people to know that she has never had an affair with any athlete or actor, referring to the rumor that she was involved with married actor Boris Kudjoe. “We met at a party I was hosting and we just took a picture together and there was nothing more to it”.

    In addition to Sandra Lopez being the Spokesmodel for Seraphin Cognac, she has also appeared on several national and international modeling campaigns.


    Damn….that water looks cold…brrrrrrr!

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