It’s no surprise that many Americans are upset at how the Gulf Coast Oil disaster has affected their everyday lives but film maker Spike Lee has some specific advice for President Obama on how to deal with British oil company BP. Check out the video below:
Lee acknowledges that Obama is normally a cool and calm person but this is the time for him to “Go Off” on BP for the way they are handling this oil spill. Attorney General Eric holder has already launched an extensive investigation into who is actually responsible for the biggest oil spill in US history but some wonder is this is only grand standing by our government or are they really interested in prosecuting a company we do business with?.
One of the most deplorable images of the affect the spill
has caused to a bird in the Gulf Coast water
Some liken this disaster to Hurricane Katrina and although there are remote similarities, one thing is for certain, there will be lasting effects on this country as a whole.