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Lebron James Bling Sold for Five Dollars is Worth 10K (video inside)


One lucky 20 year old woman struck it rich (well sort of) recently when she discovered a pendant she purchased at a yard sale of Lebron James for $5 turned out to be worth close to $10,000.00. After James decided to play for Miami Heat, several unhappy fans decided to discard some of his memorabilia via local barn fires however, when Vaneisha Robinson bought the diamond studded pendant in the shape of LeBron James’ number 23 jersey at a yard sale four years ago, she thought it was costume jewelry.

How did a diamond encrusted pendant end up at a garage sale anyways? Was it stolen and if so who is the original owner? After having the jewelry appraised, Robison decided to place it on Ebay hoping to fetch close to the value of the jewelry so she could open a boxing gym. I guess the adage holds true, “one man’s trash is another one’s treasure.”

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