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Former Leader of Guardian Angels Puts Curtis Sliwa on Blast


The most recognized citizens’ crime fighting organization in New York City, The Guardian Angel and its leader Curtis Sliwa is under fire once again and this time it is from one of their former group leaders from Las Vegas.

Tyrone Bonds Speaks Out Against Curtis Sliwa – Part 1

Howard Stern interviews Curtis Sliwa and Lisa Evers 

Tyrone Bonds aka Shihan Khalil is a trained martial artist and former body builder who was one of the original members of the volunteer crime fighting group which started back in 1979 by Sliwa and martial artists Jeff and Jerry Monroe.  The three originally created the group to help fight crime on the New York City subway system during former Mayor Ed Koch’s administration. At the time there was a lot of opposition coming from the city and the police department because they felt that the group would interfere with them doing their job but that later changed once Mayor Rudy Giuliani got elected.

An attempt made on Curtis Sliwa’s life allegedly by Gambino Crime Family

The success of the organization was mainly due to the inner city youths taking an active role in policing their own community and as a result of those successes the Guardian Angels received national and international exposure which according to some members became a lucrative business for its founder Curtis Sliwa. HHE spoke exclusively with Mr. Bonds about his departure from the Guardian Angels and why he believes Curtis Sliwa is taking advantage of the members and the organization he help to build.

Tyrone Bonds aka Shihan Khalil Martial Arts Training

Today, Mr. Bonds will be hosting his talk show under TWS (Together We Stand) Network where he and his alumni guests will be discussing some of the pitfalls of being a member of the Guardian Angels as well as they will speak on the false perception by the public on how the current organization is functioning. Click here to listen to today’s broadcast on blogtalkradioo. 

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