Monday, September 16, 2024
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Breaking News: TI & Tiny Arrested on Drug Charges: Game Over!


Police arrested rapper T.I. and his wife in California late Wednesday after they were allegedly found in possession of a controlled substance.

The arrests for possession of a controlled substance occurred on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood during a traffic stop, Los Angeles sheriff’s deputy Mark Pope told The Associated Press.

Tip being driven away in police cruiser

Tiny being led away in handcuffs

“Deputies smelled a strong odor of marijuana emitting from the vehicle,” the department said. “A narcotics investigation ensued” that resulted in the arrests.

The department’s media office said it didn’t yet have details on which specific drug the possession charge concerned.

The couple was arrested during a traffic stop in Los Angeles, according to a police report.

Clifford “TI” Harris who is the star of the movie “Takers” was sentenced to serve one year and one day in prison, followed by three years of supervised release.  He was also sentenced to serve 365 days of home confinement and 1,500 hours of community service, with credit for approximately 305 days of home confinement and 1,030 hours of community service that he completed before sentencing.  In addition, Harris was ordered to pay a fine of $100,000.  TI has agreed to forfeit all of the firearms and ammunition involved in the offenses and to waive appeal.

TI Does PSA to Help Stop Crime

If these latest allegations are true and correct, the rapper turned Hollywood movie star will likely be in violation of the terms of his federal probation. In 1998, Ti was convicted of possession of crack cocaine with intent to distribute in Cobb County, Georgia. Thereafter, as a convicted felon, he could not lawfully buy, receive, or possess firearms or ammunition of any kind. As a condition of his sentencing he was required to do community service and he was also required to do a Crime Stoppers PSA which was not received well from some of his peers.

Editor’s note:

This has to be one of the most disturbing stories that has come out of hip hop. First TI receives a sweet heart of a deal from federal prosecutors so that he would not have to serve as much as 15 years in prison for weapons possessions. Then he is released from jail only after serving LESS than a year and a day. After he is released from prison he does the honorable thing and marries his long time girlfriend Tameka “Tiny” Cottle and soon thereafter his movie Takers breaks records at the box office.

While some are probably feeling extremely sorry for Mr. Harris and his wife, I want everyone to remember that Tip has been one of the luckiest men in hip hop to have gotten so many opportunities. There are men and women sitting in prisons across the nation who might have been much more deserving but because of the lack of money and fame they will likely have to serve most of their time behind bars. Webster defines a fool as someone who lacks judgement or good sense. While I am not caling TI a fool I will say that he has demostrated over time that he lacks good judgement even when he has perfect knowledge of the outcome of his actions. I personally will say a special prayer for his and Tiny’s children because they are the ones who will suffer from their parents mistakes.

Please note that my views are not neccessarily the views of Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine however the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree in our shared opinions.

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