Bet Network’s Stephen Hill vs Waka Flocka Flame : A Fight No One Wants to See Happen!



There were a few hit and misses on Saturday at the 2010 BET Hip Hop Awards especially when it was time for rapper Waka Flocka to perform his set. HHE had the opportunity to watch Waka perform his set during the rehearsals the previous day but what happened during show was a surprise and didn’t go as planned according to BET Senior Vice president Stephen Hill’s twitter page.

Here is the exchange the two had on twitter:



Do you believe that Stephen Hill was wrong for putting the young rapper on blast on twitter for a show that by far was an embarrassment to the rapper’s career? Was Waka Flocka wrong for issuing a subliminal threat to the executive of BET? Whatever the answer, there was clearing a breakdown in communication between Waka’s management & BET. Kim over at provided us with a more colorful assessment of her views on the show which in hindsight made a lot of sense:

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