Lil Wayne You’re a Knuckle Head!…Gets Put Into Solitary Confinement at Riker’s Island for Contraband



    Let’s just hope Dwayne Carter aka Lil Wayne display of sneaky behavior won’t cost him his prison good time for being caught in possession of contraband at Riker’s Island. During a routine sweep of Young Money President’s jail cell guards discovered a few items that was not jailed issued.

    Riker Island guards busted Lil Wayne once again with contraband several days ago for being in possession of headphones and a ipod charger. For his dastardly deed he was placed on 23 hour lockdown and his phone access has been limited to one call a week.

    The question is was it really worth it? Typically when someone breaks a prison rule or infraction they are then given an administrative hearing to determine whether they should lose good time for the violation.  Carter was sentenced to a year in jail and he would be entitled to be released in 8 months for good behavior if he didn’t violate any of the jail’s rules. Thus this violation could surely be considered a violation and he could lose a portion or all of it if prison officials deemed it necessary.

    Hopefully he will learn from this and make it home before Thanksgiving!

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