Legendary NY rapper Nas is Not Happy with His Label And He Wants His Fans to Know



    Don’t know if the child support payments to his former wife Kelis is finally taking a toll on this talented rapper from New York City but clearly from the letter below rapper Nas sent to the executives of Def Jam,  his record label, he is not taking their crap anymore. 

    From: Nas

    To: LA Reid, Steve Bartels, Steve Gawley, Michael Seltzer, Joseph Borrino, Chris Hicks

    Subject: PUT MY SHIT OUT!

    Peace to all,

    With all due respect to you all, Nas is NOBODY’s slave. This is not the 1800′s, respect me and I will respect you.

    I won’t even tap dance around in an email; I will get right into it. People connect to the Artist @ the end of the day, they don’t connect with the executives. Honestly, nobody even cares what label puts out a great record, they care about who recorded it. Yet time and time again it’s the executives who always stand in the way of a creative artist’s dream and aspirations. You don’t help draw the truth from my deepest and most inner soul; you don’t even do a great

    I just need you all to be very clear where I stand and how I feel about “my label.” I could go on twitter or hot 97 tomorrow and get 100,000 protesters @ your building but I

    “Lost Tapes” is a movement and a very important set up piece for my career as it stands. I started this over 5 years ago at Columbia and nobody knew what it was or what it did but the label put it out as an LP and the fans went crazy for it and I single handedly built a new brand of rap albums. It’s smart and after 5 years it’s still a head of the game. This feels great and you not feeling what I’m feeling is disturbing. Don’t get in the way of my creativity. We are aligned with the stars here, this is a movement. There is a thing called KARMA that comes to haunt you when you tamper with the aligning stars. WE ARE GIVING THE PEOPLE EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT. Stop throwing dog shit on a MAGICAL moment.

    You don’t get another Nas recording that doesn’t count against my deal….PERIOD! Keep your bullshit $200,000.00 fund. Open the REAL budget. This is a New York pioneers ALBUM, there isn’t many of us. I am ready to drop in the 4th quarter. You don’t even have shit coming out! Stop being your own worst enemy. Let’s get money!

    -N. Jones

    Let’s just hope Nas and his label will work out their differences because he is probably one of the best rappers that ever lived and to not release music his fans are longing for should be grounds for those executive heads to roll!

    Via Rasha via 2DopeBoyz 

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