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Shocking!! Crazed Gunman Opens Fire on School Board Members then Kills Himself (graphic video inside)

Deceased Gunman Clay Duke

A gunman fatally shot himself after firing shots and taking hostages Tuesday at a school board meeting in Florida’s panhandle, WJHG-TV reported. The shooter — identified as 56-year-old Clay Duke — barged into the Bay County school board meeting in Panama City, Fla., while it was in session. We must warn you that the following footage is very disturbing and contains scenes of violance that should not be viewed by anyone under the age of 18.

WJHG-TV reported he spoke briefly about his wife being fired, spray painted the letter V on the wall — apparently a reference to the movie “V For Vendetta” — then produced a handgun.

He dismissed the women and children from the room and took the remaining members hostage. At some stage, Ginger Littleton, a school board member, apparently hit Duke with her purse.

Duke then exchanged shots with the school’s security chief, Mike Jones.

Although a SWAT team burst into the meeting room in the chaos — and were initially thought to have shot the gunman — police said Duke shot himself. Earlier reports he was using blank rounds were denied by police.

No one else was injured in the incident, Karen Tucker, a spokeswoman for Bay County Schools confirmed to Fox News Channel.

Source: NY Post

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