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Outrageous!! White Man Convicted of Beating Black Female Reservist at Cracker Barrel Released Early


In one of the most publicized cases that hit Georgia in a while has taken a turn for the worst. Troy Dale, the man convicted of assaulting Tasha Hill while she was with her daughter at a Cracker Barrel restaurant has been freed from jail only after serving 43 days of a six month system.

*A white man who was sentenced to six months in a Georgia jail for beating a black Army Reservist in front of her daughter and yelling racial slurs has been released early.

Worth County Sheriff Freddie Tompkins said Troy Dale West was released Dec. 3, 43 days after he began serving his sentence. He had roughly 4-1/2 months remaining on his sentence when he was turned over to deputies in October.

West could have faced more than 44 years in prison if convicted on felony charges in the beating of Tasha Hill in September 2009 outside a metro Atlanta Cracker Barrel. The charges were reduced to misdemeanors in a plea deal.

Tompkins said having misdemeanors instead of felonies made West eligible to work off his time while in jail. the most severe punishment he received was to be banned from Cracker barrels for life…wow!

How does someone get 85 % good time shaved off their jail time for a plea agreement for which he was sentenced to serve 6 months? Where is the NAACP when you need them?

Editor’s note: The race of either party is not what is at issue but that there appears to be a double standard being set when someone who has pleaded guilty to crimes and accepted a certain plea arrangement only to have the county Sheriff decide that he should not serve his full sentence behind bars.

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