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Bizarre!! New York Man Charged with Suitcase Killing After “Bad Sex Deal”

Malik Hassan escorted by NYPD Detectives

An East Harlem man was charged with murder last night after he was caught on video disposing of a woman’s body stuffed inside a suitcase, police sources said.

Hassan Malik  55, who has a long rap sheet for burglary and drugs, confessed to the strangulation slaying, according to police sources.

He claimed in his confession that he paid the victim, Betty Williams, for sex and afterwards, he noticed she was taking more money, so he killed her, other law enforcement sources said.

When Malik walked out of the 23rd Precinct stationhouse early today he told reporters he was “sorry” for what he did.

The break in the murder came after a tipster saw the chilling video that shows the alleged assailant wheeling a suitcase to a spot on East 114th Street near First Avenue. Williams, 28, who has 14 arrests, mostly for drugs, was found fully clothed inside the suitcase on Dec. 22 by a neighborhood resident who opened the bag and saw a leg pop out.

Source: NY Post

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