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Gossip: Is Brandy Norwood Really Pregnant?


Singer Brandy Norword has taken to her Twitter account to debunk claims that she’s pregnant with her second child.

Brandy wrote:

“Now I’m expecting a child? WOW!!! Please check out the story for your morning

“At in and out… Wondering if I should get a double double since I’m eating for “two”… LMAO!!!

“Girl, if you can get pregnant by holding hands then I’m definitely pregnant…LMAO”

“Now y’all know dang well I’m not pregnant.. Lmao!! But I might continue to crack jokes about it…so be alert:)”

Brandy Norwood has recently been linked with host of BET’s popular video music show 106 & Park, Terrence Jenkins. According to Brandy the two are just friends. Well we really don’t know since she looks a little bulging in the above picture. If she really is congrats to Terrence J.


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