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Shocking!! Supermodel Melyssa Ford is Outraged at New Boyfriend Rumor!!


Don’t say Supermodel & Actress Melyssa Ford isn’t unfazed by internet rumors. She made it quite clear yesterday when she took to her Facebook page to debunk the latest rumor linking her with 22 year old rapper Young Lace.

Actress/Model Melyssa Ford & Rapper Young Lace

Melyssa stated on her FB page:

It is apparent from her comments these types of rumors have taken a toll on her relationship and she made it clear that she has had enough! She stated the following on her FB page:

This is what I call BULLSH*T!!!!!!!!!!!!! So basically the blogs can make ish up cuz they got some BS “source????” When they know how to get in contact with you, they don’t, they just print lies. Normally, I wouldn’t care BUT when you’re trying to have something REAL with someone, and away from the public, it’s this kind of LIE that can throw a monkey wrench in it. So I went to Vegas with this stranger?? Word? Funny… I must have had amnesia. And this ain’t the first time Bossip has paired me with a dude I DON’T EVEN KNOW!!! First time was with Raekwon from Wu-Tang! Had NEVER MET HIM!!!! They make up the most elaborate, crazy, and full of lies stories! And I know staff over there so they can fact check if they want to!!!!

If you were dating someone and your friends came back to you with every rumor they heard or was printed about your significant other, you don’t think it might tax the relationship? Might make you feel like “This is too much work just to fight for normalcy?”

“They print things with no regard for what that person’s TRUTH is, or what’s going on in their lives. It’s callous and RUDE.”

Do you think Melyssa is wrong for being upset at the latest rumor about her or is this just par for the course because of the profession she is in?

Maybe she might want to check the people she is dating and let them know beforehand that this is the nature of the business and that they should take the good and the bad if they are interested in dating her. If that doesn’t work…she can always give me a call because I promise I will understand…lol!

This sounds like a poorly executed publicity stunt from the rapper’s camp because we all know Melyssa doesn’t need this type of publicity as it does nothing for her career. Just our two cents!


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