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Legendary rapper Kangol Kid Calls fellow Comrades Out for a Worthy Cause..Wants U.T.F.O. to Reunite for Kool Herc


If you have been one of the fortunate ones to have made a career out of hip hop and truly understand the roots of how it all started then we encourage you to take the time and hear what one of the leaders of hip hop had to say about helping Legendary Dj Kool Herc who is the father of hip hop who is suffering from a serious ailment.

Kangol Kid who was one of the founding members of the 80’s rap group UTFO has made a special plea for his fellow members to set aside their differences and come out to help with the medical expenses for the Godfather of hip hop Kool Herc. In a press release that we just received Kangol stated the following:

“I am saddened by the news of Kool Herc’s deteriorating physical condition and resulting medical payment issues.  Unfortunately, the majority of classic Hip-Hop artists of my generation are at the risk suffering the same fate.  Herc is a legend of my time as well as a pioneer of my culture and most importantly…he is my friend.  Therefore, after several failed attempts to reunite UTFO, I urge original members Doctor Ice, Educated Rapper, Mixmaster Ice and myself, Kangol Kid to put our differences aside and appear/perform for ONE show which will be awarded to the highest biding promoter from any city for what may be the first of many or the last performance of UTFO.  One hundred percent (100%) of UTFO’s earnings from this performance will be donated directly to Kool Herc’s medical expenses because it is the Right Thing to do.  I am doing my part…and I challenge anyone who has benefited financially from the business of Hip-Hop to do theirs.”

What Kangol Kid is doing is admirable and we salute him for his efforts however the fact of the matter is that there are people who have made substantial wealth off of the culture of hip hop and nothing for nothing they could easily write a check to help a fallen soldier fight a battle that is bigger that hip hop….the saving of his own life. With that said, I would like to make my own special plea to the following individuals who have done very well for themselves and will probably never have to work a day in their lives if they chose not to because of the vision Kool Herc had over 30 years ago.

Shawn “ Jay Z” Carter
Lil Wayne
Nicki Minaj
Russell Simmons
Baby (Cash Money)
Jermaine Dupri
Sean “Diddy” Combs
T Pain
Reverend Run

And while this is a brief list of the many people who have successfully benefited from the work of Kool Herc, we know they have the power to make things happen at lightening speed and we encourage them to reach out to his family and give a helping hand.

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