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MOGULS IN THE MAKING: An Independent Label Grinding Like A Major..Take Notice People!!


After several years of trying to adhere to the status quo of promoting music, three young entrepreneurs have developed a unique and self sufficient way of running their independent record label. YBE/Faculty Entertainment which was founded by CEO Maurio Mitchell along with his longtime friend and Co-CEO Leander Pickett Aka MOS who also had a successful career while signed to Jive Records and rapper B Stacks who is the President have created a multi entertainment company which encompasses on music and video production in their hometown of Durham, NC.

Both B Stacks and MOS are successful recording artists with a disciplined regime in the studio and because of such that has elevated their brand to the next level. Mitchell on the other hand is a decisive business leader who possesses the vision and tenacity to help move the company in the right direction while coming up with innovative ways of growing their brand. “Our team goes hard in everything we do and we won’t settle for nothing less than 100% because at the end of the day our work will speak for itself.”

One of the things that the company has made it a point to do is give back to their community through philanthropic initiatives. “It’s very important for us to help the less fortunate because we know all too well how hard it is to make a living in this economy so one of our initiatives have been to help families that are receiving public assistance by providing them with clothes and toys for the kids.”

You can read more on YBE/Faculty Entertainment in our special feature on Moguls in the Making hitting newsstands in a city near you.

Be sure to visit Faculty Entertainment’s website at: also follow them on twitter at:

@Rio_facultyent @thisisbstacks @MOunomyMO

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