Waka Flocka Goes Free


    Waka-FlockaWaka Flocka Flame

    Atlanta rapper, Waka Flocka Flame is free to go after a grand jury ruled that there was insufficient evidence to convict the 24-year-old of drug related charges.

    After hearing reports that the rapper’s Atlanta home was a breeding ground for gang activity, prostitution, drug dealing, and weapons police raided the place late last year (Dec 16). They were able to recover weed, painkillers and guns. We reported months ago that his attorney believed charges against the rapper were weak based on the evidence. Our own Dennis Byron interviewed his counsel at the Henry County Jail in Georgia and he had the following to say about his client. Read more here

    Waka turned himself in on January 3rd of this year and was charged with possession of less than an ounce of marijuana and Hydrocodone, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, and violation of probation for driving on a suspended license.

    The charges not related to drugs were dropped before he appeared in court.

    Excited about the good news Waka turned to Twitter to share: “All charges droped from when police ran N my house #GoDsGooD #squad.”

    Follow @meime0007 on twitter.

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