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“Uncle Luke” Running For Miami-Dade Mayor…“I’m Dead Serious”

Luther “Luke” Campbell

Luther Campbell, also known as “Uncle Luke”-the front man of 90’s rap group “2 Live Crew”- wants to be mayor of one of the largest counties in the country. Earlier this year Campbell became one of 11 candidates in the Miami-Dade Mayoral race.

Although he has been known for vulgar music videos and songs like “Me So Horny” and “Hoochie Mama,” Luke assured in his recent interview with CNN that those are all things of the past.

“I’m 50 years old right now. I’ve had my time; I had my days of having fun as a youngster, as a rapper.”

He goes on to explain reasons for his political bid and guarantees that this is not a publicity stunt.

“I’m dead serious. I mean, that’s my campaign slogan,” Campbell told CNN.

“The reason why I’m getting into this race is because Dade county politics is Banana Republican,” he said. “When I look at the other ten candidates, I see that I need to be the person running for mayor to represent my city.”

Some things he has proposed include a tax on strippers and legalizing small amounts of marijuana. Campbell told CNN he wants to fight for health care and housing for the underprivileged in Miami-Dade County.

“I’m a freedom fighter. I fought for the First Amendment, went all the way to the Supreme Court. So people know me as…a fighter.”

A special election will be held on May 24. Early voting starts on Monday.

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