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Chart-Topping Songwriters & Producers Convene for Industry Lock-In


A swarm of talented writers and producers have gathered in Atlanta’s newest hit-maker spot, Trickybizness studios, June 6-11, for an old-school style lock-in. They have come together to focus on generating some of the upcoming year’s biggest hits.

“At a time when a lot of producers and songwriters have traded in Atlanta to record in LA, Vegas and even Miami, our team is here working, benefitting from that creative synergy that is undeniably Atlanta,” says Ron “Tricky” Montgomery, CEO, Trickybizness Entertainment.

Montgomery believes the musical roots planted in Atlanta are being overlooked. “I’m constantly putting my talent on planes to NY, LA and Miami to go work with artists when the reality is; Atlanta has been fertile musical soil. There is no reason [why] platinum artists shouldn’t be recording here,” Montgomery says.

His team of songwriters alone was among the most visible influencers in urban/pop music for 2010. That team includes singer-songwriter Cristyle (Blackground/Interscope) who penned two of the year’s biggest hits, Rihanna’s #1 pop single ‘Only Girl’ and Monica’s #1 RnB single ‘Love All over Me’. Both records earned Grammy nominations and Cristyle earned her first Grammy along with numerous honors and awards. Also a part of that team is singer-songwriter Kalenna, better known as 1/3 of Dirty Money.
Besides being a part of 2010’s biggest musical act, she added some major placements of her own and just won her third Russian Grammy.

Cristyle, BMI VP Catherine Brewton & Kaleena at 2011 BMI Unsigned Showcase in ATL

“Kalenna and Cristyle mentioned the idea of locking themselves in and working and I just ran with it,” Montgomery stated. “We opened the doors to other hot talent outside our team and the results were crazy. Our lock-in consists of some of the hottest writers and producers in music right now, hands down. They have committed to eight hour shifts, three shifts a day. The industry is going to feel the aftermath of this lock-in no doubt. There’s something about getting all this talent in the same location that allows them to feed off each other’s vibe. The energy is airborne, it’s contagious.”

Some of music’s biggest and hottest songwriters and producers are signed up to join Cristyle and Kalenna, including YouTube sensation Ryan Tedder, DMile (Janet Jackson, Dirty Money), D Brown (Jamie Foxx, Ne-Yo), Novel (Alicia Keyes, Leona Lewis), BabyGirl (Justin Bieber, Tiffany Evans), Lundon Da Bridge, Osinachi (Pussycat Dolls) and many more.


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