31-year-old Marie Lauradin of Queens, New York was sentenced to 17 years in prison on Monday (June 6) for setting her 6-year-old daughter, Frantzcia Saintil, on fire in a gruesome demon-casting ritual.
In 2009, Lauradin was arrested and told cops she accidentally spilled a pot of boiling water on Saintil when the child came up from behind her. But recently she told her probation officers she was rubbing alcohol on the child to calm a fever when a candle burst into flames.
Lauradin was warned by Queens Supreme Court Justice Richard Buchter for lying to cops and probation officers about how her daughter was set ablaze. “Either you tell me the truth or we’ll try the case,” Buchter told her.
After leaving the courtroom to speak with her lawyer, Lauradin returned and admitted to stripping her daughter naked and pouring an accelerant over her head and in a circle on the floor – a voodoo rite known as “loa.”
According to prosecutors, she set the girl on fire and failed to get her medical attention for another 24 hours leaving her with life-altering scars over 25 percent of her body. Saintil suffered second- and third-degree burns that caused skin to peel off her torso, legs and face.
Lauradin’s mother, Sylvenie Thessier, 72, was also sentenced. She recently received three years in prison for reckless endangerment for failing to get her granddaughter medical attention.
“The only demonic presence this child had to worry about was her mother,” Bucther said. “It’s sickening to think of a mother committing such an unspeakable act of savagery.”
“She will go through life knowing that her own mother disfigured her,” Assistant District Attorney Leigh Bishop said. “This was a monstrous act of depravity.”