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TRUE Confessions of a Video Vixen…. Karrine Steffans Says “It Was All Fabricated”

karrineKarrine Steffans

Former video model turned author Karrine “Superhead” Steffans is working on a new documentary about her life. In a clip that has been leaked virally Steffans alleges that her best-selling novel, “Confessions of a Video Vixen” was completely fabricated.

The book was originally released in 2006 and caused an uproar as it exposed various rappers and athletes and their sexual habits in relation to her.

“The vixen doesn’t exist… It was all fabricated I didn’t even name my books,” Steffans admitted. “‘Confessions of a Video Vixen,’ I would’ve never named that book that. That’s somebody else’s name.”

She also admits she could be a writer that remained anonymous and out of the spotlight.

“Authors are supposed to be anonymous,” Steffans stated. “We’re not supposed to be on TV we’re not supposed to be doing any of those things.”

Along with the documentary, Steffans is also working on a brand-new book entitled “Satisfaction.” The book, which is an extension to the chapter ‘Coveted Sex’ from her book “The Vixen Manual”, explores the concept that erotic fantasies can and should be satisfied within the parameters of a committed monogamous relationship.

According to the book’s official website, “Satisfaction” is a work of “faction,” meaning it’s mixed with fact and fiction.

“Satisfaction” is due for release on August 10th, 2011.


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