The Roots “Rebuild the Dream”

    the roots rebuild the dream
    Van Jones, Shepard Fairey and The Roots

    Author: Sylvia Burley

    On June 23rd, the five million member progressive advocacy organization MoveOn, former White House adviser Van Jones, and The Roots are launching an effort called “Rebuild the Dream,” to move the political conversation away from austerity and towards job creation.

    “This will be the largest economic campaign we have ever run,” Justin Ruben, MoveOn’s Executive Director said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “The goal here is to really change the debate and refocus it on the stuff that is necessary to create jobs and make the economy work for regular people.   It is unreal that with widespread misery across the country, Washington is focused on closing the deficit and giving tax breaks to millionaires.”

    At a time when both political parties are saying the country is broke, MoveOn wants others to know this is not the conversation we should be having.

    Van Jones says he has spoken to more than 30,000 Americans on college campuses, in churches and in union halls since he left his post as Special Advisor for Green Jobs.

    “I think people will be really surprised by what gets announced on the 23rd and the aggressive campaign that will come out of it,” Jones said, in an interview with The Huffington Post. “There will be a presence in every campaign district in the country.  The idea is to help give a megaphone to this silent majority.”

    “We will be speaking to the main issue that America is not broke,” he added. “The pie gets bigger every year — it is just that the middle class’s slices get smaller and smaller.”   Jones, for his part, said he would be on stage with The Roots. “I got about two weeks to get our dance moves together.”

    Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us @HipHopEnquirer


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