Creflo Dollar Comes to Eddie Long’s Defense… “Ok, So He Had a Wreck”


    creflo-dollarDr. Creflo Dollar

    Atlanta mega-church pastor Dr. Creflo Dollar is coming to the defense of his “brother in the Lord” and fellow Atlanta mega-church pastor Bishop Eddie Long.

    Bishop Eddie Long recently resolved a lawsuit by settling out of court last month with several young men who came out and claimed Long took sexual advantage of them as boys.  Even though settling out of court doesn’t necessarily mean guilty, it does raise questions.

    Despite the obvious fall of his ministry, Long has announced that he is planning on opening two satellite churches in an attempt to move beyond the sex scandal. But some members just can’t get over it and have not returned.

    Putting forth effort  to stand behind his friend, during a sermon given this past Sunday (June 5) Dollar urged former New Birth members to “Get on back over there where you supposed to be and do what you supposed to be doing.”

    bishop-eddie-long.jpgBishop Eddie Long

    While speaking Dr. Dollar continued to refer to the act Long allegedly committed as a simple “wreck” implying that those who haven’t forgiven Long are “self-righteous” and “judgmental.”

    “I just can’t believe that people would leave their preacher ’cause he had a wreck, instead of praying for him,” Dollar preached.

    He then went on to claim that Long is “still anointed to do what he was called to do” and is “still going to heaven.” As for Long and the former memebers he said, “That pastor, he’s loved them and he’s taken care of them and he’s given to them……. Ok, so he had a wreck.”

    It’s not surprising at all that Dollar thinks the scandal involving his friend is just a “wreck” and used some twisted form of theology to excuse it. I suppose these two believe that things are to go back to normal as if nothing happened at all.

    What are your thoughts on this?

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