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Samuel L. Jackson Narrates Children’s Book Called “Go the F*** to Sleep”

samuel-l-jacksonSamuel L. Jackson

Hollywood front man Samuel L. Jackson who is known for frequently dropping the F-bomb and now he’s really putting it to use. The veteran actor is narrating an audio book for a nursery rhyme called “Go the F*** to Sleep.”

The book is this summer’s surprise written by Adam Mansbach, who was just another tired dad.

Pre-orders of the book have kept it on the best-seller list for weeks. The hardcover and audio version went on sale Tuesday and film rights have already been sold.

62-year-old Jackson who starred in films like “Pulp Fiction”, “Lakeview Terrace” and “Iron Man 2”is currently set to make his Broadway debut this fall as the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in “The Mountaintop.”


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