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An artist on the Rise: Donald Glover aka Childish Gambino

Donald Golver aka Childish Gambino

The game is changing, the beats are speeding up, and the talent is improving.  A new era is vastly approaching, where an emphasis on lyrical styling is even more appreciated. Lil Wayne has been known for his puns, Drake has an unparalleled flow, but Gambino, he’s the self-proclaimed “mastamind.”

This guy is unreal. His intelligence and wit sets him apart from the rest of the game proving that he is not only street smart, but he also has the book smarts to back it up. Donald Glover, more notably known as Childish Gambino is an NYU graduate that majored in dramatic writing. Not only does the man rap, he’s also an actor on NBC’s Community, and a comedian, which makes complete sense once you listen to his rhymes. His lyrics are crude, inappropriate, and outright hilarious, but they are equally as imaginative.

Recently performing at the 2011 Bonnaroo Music Festival, Gambino gave it his all and left his crowd thirsting for more. His energy is said to be almost “giddy,” as his passion to excel in the business is showcased in every one of his dangerous performances.

With almost 300,000 followers on Twitter, Gambino is making a name for himself before an album date has even been set. His next LP will be available this coming September, and it is sure to wow. Until then, check out the official video of his single “Freaks and Geeks,” and download some of his music that he has made available for free on his website here.



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