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The College Hip Hop Scene: Backpack Rappers on the Rise

“Backpack Rapper” is a term commonly used to describe the young, aspiring, musicians that are incredibly talented but still somewhat unknown. Their lyrics are always very relatable, as they all have huge dreams that have yet to be accomplished. They represent a majority of the population, the middle-class that cannot afford the luxuries many of the well-known rappers write about today. Hip Hop Enquirer has made it our business to shine the light on those artists we deem worthy of the exposure. Check out the next hottest acts to blow up.

pjsimasRapper PJ Simas’s album cover for “The SLO Life.”

PJ Simas, is a backpack rapper from Sacramento, California that is currently studying civil engineering. PJ is famous for incorporating his guitar into his rap beats, creating a unique sound that is a well-balanced mix of electronic, hip-hop, and acoustic. He’s released a ton of rap remixes to popular songs like “Dynamite” by Taio Cruiz, and “Please Don’t Go” by Mike Posner, that are always equally as good, if not better than the originals.

Still new to the game, Simas is continuously growing as each single seems better than the last. His second album entitled “Triple Play,” was released on April 29th, 2011 and is available for free download on his website here.

eddybRapper Eddy B, and Producer Tim Gunter pictured above.

Eddy B & Tim Gunter are another duo on the rise from North Carolina. Edrick Scarvers, or Eddy B is an unreal new rapper that is currently studying at The University of North Carolina, Greensboro. Producer, Tim Gunter is a student at North Carolina State that has created some phenomenal beats sampling Ellie Goulding, Nosaj Thing, Super Mario, Coldplay, Miike Snow, Gary Jules, The Doors, and a few others. Their latest mixtape “Dear North Carolina, Welcome Back,” is available for free download here.

Finally, we have a Duke graduate to finish off our list. Anthem, is a rapper based out of Manhattan, New York. His lyrical wordplay is some of the best we’ve heard that is backed by a wide range of fast-paced electronic beats. He remixes the Bag Raiders song “Shooting Star” and transforms into a completely different style for his single “God of Joy (Dionysus).” Anthem is undoubtedly one to watch in 11. Check out the video for his single below.     

Follow Alli on Twitter: @AlliMenn

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