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Chris Brown and Odd Future Kill the Beef

chris_brown2011_coverChris Brown

Yesterday we reported how Odd Future’s Frank Ocean was chased down the streets of West Hollywood by Chris Brown’s cousins when he supposedly went down to Chris’ dance studio to confront him. Well last night, both sides decided the beef which started off as nothing and escalated into unnecessary drama, was over and done with.

Chris Brown reached out first to end the nonsense tweeting, “The beef sh*t is stupid, @frank_ocean I respect ya music and you and Odd Future! Ain’t beefing wit nobody. Yall can have that! Love.”

Odd Future front man Tyler the Creator accepted and replied back, “Shit Got Too Real On Both Ends. I’m Over It. We’re All Over This Sh*t. Its Stupid As F**k. Swag It Out.”

I’m just glad the two realized that it was not that serious… Twitter is NOT that serious! Although no physical violence had popped off yet, ending it before it turned into a Biggie and Pac situation was the best thing to do.


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