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Laura Michelle Talks Music and Upcoming Projects


Southern Belle comes to mind when talking about up and coming artist Laura Michelle. The pop singer, who has made waves throughout the music industry since the age of 14, is prepping for her new album and several live performances.

Michelle, who is originally from New Orleans, LA, has been singing all her life. She knew she wanted to be a pop star from the age of 12. Michelle started out by entertaining her parents and singing in choirs which led to her taking vocal lessons.

After the devastating Hurricane Katrina, she relocated to Atlanta and has lived there for about 5 years. During this time she really pushed herself and made it a priority to get her music off the ground. The hard work paid off. She has created a solid fan base and has a trending music video on YouTube called “Never Be”.

Though her current sound is pop based, Michelle says that she is a lover of all genres of music:

“I could one day do a country single, you never know! I am in love with all types of music, not just pop. I listen to country, jazz, soul, R&B. I don’t want to put myself in a box. But I wanted to do pop music because it reaches a wider audience and that’s what I want more than anything, is for my music to touch people on a global scale.”

When asked who her role models in music are, her preferences are as wide as her musical taste:

“I like a lot of different artists; I don’t just have one (laughs). Prince, Tina Turner, as a recording artist I like Brandy, as a vocalist I love what Jennifer Hudson brings to the table. Tamia, Lupe Fiasco, I mean there are so many great talented people out there right now. I have respect for anyone who works hard and goes for what they want.”

As an artist, Michelle can go nowhere but up. She sees a bright future for herself and her music being put on global level:

“I see myself headlining an amazing tour, reaching people everywhere with my music. I want people in the U.S, Africa, China, black, white, doesn’t matter. I want to reach and touch everybody.”

Upcoming projects for the pop starlet include performances at the House of Blues in New Orleans, working on her solo project (out soon) and keeping her audience up to date through her various social media outlets.

Something she wants everyone to know about her is that she is a “regular down south girl” who loves to do music. Her lyrical content is relatable because she puts everything that regular girls go through in her songs. She is someone everyone can relate to.

An important message to all the readers from Laura Michelle is “be yourself and don’t let anyone ever tell you any different.”

Here is the video for her new single, “Never Be”:

Be sure to keep up with Laura Michelle through her website,, blog, and twitter: @mylauramichelle.

Her single “My Dreams” is also available on Itunes and Amazon.

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