Breaking News Fashion Report!! Adopting Black Babies is OUT. Dating Them is IN!


    madge_and_brahimWe Feel for Ya Brah. Madonna and Brahim Out & About.

    Pop icon Madonna, is no longer adopting black children. On 2nd thought maybe she is! She’s probably snatching them from the womb and nurturing them on her steroid infused breast milk until their of ripe age and height.  Here she is spotted with her new bare chested side piece, 24 year old Brahim Zaibat. While Madonna uses her mandible claw to latch onto him for dear life, he’s staring at us, presumably using his eyes trying to call out for help in fear of HIS LIFE! In case you were wondering, Madonna is wearing the very popular Alexander McQueen skull-print scarf. 

    The couple that styles together, stays together.

    R.I.P. Alexander. Skull printed scarf $260.

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