Let’s Stay Together… Are Gabby & D.Wade Back Together Again?


    gabby_and_wadeGabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade at
    the Transormers 3 Premiere in NYC.

    Don’t you just love it when a breakup ends well? Actress Gabrielle Union and former boyfriend Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade played nice for the cameras on the red carpet at the NYC premiere for the new Transformers 3 movie.

    No word yet on whether they’ll end up back together even though they still speak to each other through tweets. But we’re guessing they’re still benefitting from each other’s friendship! *wink*

    If you’ve been a regular reader of our site then you’re quite aware that we’ve recently applauded D. Wade on his choices of style. But we’re kind of on the fence about whether we approve of those shoes he’s wearing here on the red carpet.

    We appreciate the effort Wade, but the hot pink just killed the rest of the outfit for us. What do you all think?

    Follow us on Twitter @hhefashions!

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