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Lil Wayne Covers XXL – Get the Look!

Lil-Wayne-covers-XXLThe shirt says it all  Lil Wayne on the cover of XXL Magazine

So by now you may or may not have seen your boy Weezy on the new cover of XXL Magazine doped out from head to… waist.  If you’re loving this look like we are, than fear not. Because you too can look like you just stepped off of your the cover with the same style FOR LESS! Check out what we put together for you!

8P Cap-XX by Original Fake $69 at

No Sucka S#IT Crewneck by Fli Pelican $68 at

Casio G-Shock “Men in Orange” watch.

Mercury Glow in the Dark Glasses $130 by Nooka

LRG Core Collection Slim Straight Denim $62 at

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