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Exclusive Interview!! Cocktails & Conversations with Laz Alonso, Corey Mays & C.J. Miller

Cocktail & Conversations C.J. Miller, Corey Mays, Laz Alonso
C.J. Miller, Corey Mays, Sylvia Burley, Laz Alonso

C.J. Miller, Corey Mays, HHE’s Sylvia Burley & Laz Alonso

Thursday (June 30) Hennessy Remixed presented “Cocktails & Conversations”  and a special Q&A with actor Laz Alonso (Avatar & Jumping the Broom), Corey Mays from the Kansas City Chiefs (NFL) and C.J. Miller, author of GRIND: How to Turn Your Coffee Break into Your Big Break. Check out the exclusive interview conducted by our own Sylvia Burley after the cut:

In support of exalting men within the literary, sports, film and television industries, Cocktails and Conversations is the platform Hennessy Remixed selected to display the talents of these men in a socially responsible way.

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