Jealousy? Kim Kardashian Suing Old Navy for Commercial Featuring Reggie Bush’s New Girlfriend



    Kim Kardashian must really have a lot of time on her hands these days to try and pull a stunt like this. According to TMZ, Kim is filing a lawsuit against Old Navy for a commercial featuring a “Kim look-alike”.

    The supposed look-alike, Melissa Molinaro, just so happens to be the new girlfriend of Kimmy’s ex, New Orleans Saints’ running back Reggie Bush.

    With that being said, is this really a serious legal matter or just a case of one hating ex-girlfriend?

    Reports say Kim believes Old Navy intentionally used the look-alike to trick the public into believing she was affiliated with the brand and that the campaign has damaged her wallet in the amount of $15 to $20 million. Knowing Kim, that’s probably how much she’s suing for.

    Take a look at the commercial below and tell us what you think:

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