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Nicki Minaj Puckers up For Mac Viva Glam!!!

Nicki Minaj at the MAC store in NYC

The only female within a close proximity to Lil Wayne and NOT carrying one of his children, Nicki Minaj has been tapped by cosmetics giant MAC to star in their 2012 Viva Glam ad campaign alongside Ricky Martin.

Cue to Lil Kim writing “been there, done that b*tch” on a wall somewhere with lipstick. As you remember, Lil Kim has long ago contributed her mug shot for the famous beauty brand. Above is a picture of Nicki when she collaborated with MAC for her own personal shade of lipstick called “Pink Friday” in honor of her debut album. Nicki and Ricky (just realized it rhymes) come in after a long line of other celebs such as Missy Elliot, Lil Kim, Mary J. Blige, Eve, Christina Aguilera, and Pam Anderson.

Lil Kim and Mary J. Blige for MAC

Lil Kim and Mary


Christina Aguilera

Pam Anderson

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