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Throw it in the Bag!!!

10Deep backpack in camo

Theres a saying that goes, “In life man has only his balls and his bag.” Well, we may have made that saying up. But hey, your balls and your bag are the two places you store your most valuable posessions. And although it may not be wise or legal to go around flaunting your balls in public, its perfectly fine to do so with your bag. Some of your and our favorite brands have released some of the dopest duffles and backpacks for the fall season.

So whether your carrying your schoolbooks, money, hidden stash, condoms, or what have you, these are the dopest ways to do so! 

Leather MCM backpack

10Deep barrel duffle in camo

The pack backpack in black by LRG

The pack backpack in red by LRG

Ravine duffle bag by Herschel Supply Co.

Martin Keehn super large striped backpack

The NorthFace purple label backpack in leopard

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