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Soulja Boy Balling Out of Control… Purchases $55 Million G5

soulja_Boy_planeSoulja Boy on the set Iyaz video shoot

Soulja Boy sure is living recession-proof these days to be able to drop $55 million on a private jet. According to a member of his management team, the jet is a birthday present Soulja Boy bought for himself.

Originally the jet cost $35 million but after Soulja’s plans to ‘juice it up’ a bit, he racked up an additional $20 million in expenses. He has plans for twelve custom Italian leather seats, four liquor bars, flat screen TVs, Brazilian hardwood cabinets and a travertine tiled floor.

He’s also going to swap out the in-flight restroom for a full-size luxurious bathroom and give the outside of it a custom paint job that will include his logo.

On top of that huge purchase he’s having a big birthday bash tonight in Miami. Rumor has it that he’s spending an additional $300,000 on that! Yeah, Soulja Boy definitely has money to BLOW!!

Photo by: Larry Marano, WireImage

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