Talk Show Host Answers the Call to Service via Facebook: Helps Elderly Woman Locate Her Doctor (Heart wrenching story)


    lisadurdenTalk Show host Lisa Durden Helps Elderly Woman via Facebook

    We know Facebook to be a social media site used to reconnect with lost friends, post updates, and advertise events….but this, who knew?!

    In Newark, NJ, an elderly woman mistakenly dialed Lisa Durden’s phone number, thinking she was calling her doctor’s office.  When Durden told the woman she had the wrong number and didn’t know a Dr. Haggerty, she responded by asking Durden if she could “help her find him”.  The phone call initially shook Durden and she thought it was a prank.  But Durden said, “something in her spirit” made her feel she needed to help her.  Not knowing a Dr. Haggerty, Durden turned to…Facebook!

    Durden posted a comment on Facebook describing the phone call and asked if anybody knew the doctor’s number to send it in a reply and she would call the woman back with the correct number.  Soon after posting her comment, she received responses by two Facebook users, LaDean Mitchell and Starr Walker, both providing contact information for Dr. Haggerty.  As promised, Durden called back the frazzled woman and gave her the doctor’s number.  She was extremely grateful to Durden and able to reach the correct office to handle her medical affairs.



    In addition to all the uses of Facebook mentioned earlier, it has also been used by a small population of individuals as a source to gain information to use in a variety of criminal activities.  So it’s refreshing to know that it can also be used to gather information to help people, even people we don’t know.

    Lisa Durden is a Talk Show Host, Motivational Speaker, Workshop Facilitator and the Founder of Lisa Durden Unlimited , a Production Company, specializing in workshops & training, consultation services, & television entertainment. Lisa is also the Host and Executive Producer of her popular commentary talk show The Lisa Durden Show.  Durden later wrote that her mother, while living, had to be cared for by her and her sister and a thought flashed in her mind that maybe this woman didn’t have help, was sick or in pain, and truly needed medical attention.  For this, Lisa Durden is unquestionably an official Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine Hero and we give credit to LaDean Walker and Starr Walker for answering the call!

    Please be sure to follow Lisa Durden on twitter @lisardurden & follow us @hiphopenqmag.

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