Help Needed Now!! Legendary Hip-Hop Photographer Ernie Paniccioli Diagnosed with Cancer


    ernie_paniccioliErnie Panicciolo

    Famed hip-hop photographer Ernie Paniccioli recently announced publicly that he has been diagnosed with cancer and is reaching out to the hip hop community for help and support.

    Paniccioli first stepped onto the scene in hip-hop culture in 1973 when he began capturing graffiti art that graced the walls of New York City buildings. Since then, he has been regarded as the leading hip hop photographer in America publishing a collection of his work in 2002 titled “Who Shot Ya?: Three Decades of Hip-Hop Photography”.

    With an upcoming radiation treatment that will last five weeks, Paniccioli already has a medical bill that is up to $85,000 but lacks the healthcare to cover it.

    Within a week’s time, the Life Goes On Foundation has raised $1,500 and continues the campaign to support the beloved photographer.

    “It is very important for members of the hip hop community to take care of their own especially for someone who has brought so much talent through art into an industry that thrives on creativity and giving back to a culture that has been around over 35 years,” says Dennis Byron, Editor-in-Chief at HHE. “Ernie Paniccioli by far is my hero and someone who I have looked up to for many years.”

    During the course of his 40-year career as a photographer, the Brooklyn native has captured iconic images of artists like Ice-T, TLC, Nas, Chuck D, Busta Rhymes, Tupac, KRS-One, the Notorious B.I.G. and many more.

    “He is not asking for handouts,” said his publicist. “He is very HUMBLE and EVER SO LOVING and at this time only asking others to buy one of his books and that is ONLY if you like his work. So if at the very least if you can’t make a monetary donation to the Life Goes On Foundation, I implore you to please purchase Ernie’s books and donate them to schools.”

    Fan, family and friends can donate to The Life Goes On Foundation by clicking here.

    A video of some of Paniccioli’s photos along with some of his work, including people he has worked with, can be viewed here.

    Ernie-BiggieBiggie & Ernie

    Brandy, Ernie & Lil Kim



    A Tribe Called Quest

    Ernie & Queen Latifah


    To view his artwork, videos and more click here.

    Follow us on Twitter: @HipHopEnqMag

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