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Justin Beiber… The Rapper??

Beiber_CBJustin Bieber spits Busta’s verse on “Look At Me Now” in a surprise performance in Sydney, Australia

Justin Beiber  has been slowly but surely stepping over into the hip-hop realm. Now it’s official. The 17-year-old is featured on “Ladies Love Me,” a collaboration with Chris Brown from the R&B singer’s latest mixtape, Boy in Detention which dropped today.

Beiber appears as his rap alter-ego, Shawty Mane, and spits over the David Banner-produced track that samples Breezy’s “Look at Me Now.” He keeps it clean while making references to his swag and his smooth way with the ladies.

Beiber first made his rap debut last year on Cam’ron and Vado’s “Speaking in Tungs.”

Mixtape cover for Chris Brown’s Boy In Detention

Take a listen to “Ladies Love Me” below:


Justin has also recently confirmed that he’ll be featured on rapper Asher Roth’s upcoming sophomore record. We wonder if he’ll be singing of if Shawty Mane is making another appearance?

What do you guys think about “Shawty Mane”?


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