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Wale Rocks Out at Red Star Event!!!

WaleatHeinekenRedStarWale performs in Philly

Up & coming rapper Wale performed for a packed crowd at the Heineken Red Star Access Presents Roc Nation last night  in Philadelphia. Despite what you may think, the above pic is not the rehersal, its what Wale actually performed in; a basic white tee, camo-ish looking pants, with a white YSL logo’d belt. The authenticity of the belt is still yet undetermined but its safe to assume that its probably the most expensive thing on Wale.

We’ve actually seen better from Wale at other events in other pictures. But somehow he missed the mark on this look. Oh well, what he lacks in personal style he makes up for in his lyrical talent. Not everyone can be a Kanye, or Big Sean, or Jigga. Anyway, peep more pics of Wale’s amped up performance, and plus a few images from the event’s host model Rosa Acosta.

Wale rocks out on stage

Heineken bottles make great accessories

Taking one to the head

Crowd participation

Rosa Acosta poses on the red star carpet

Rosa Acosta

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