Rapper TI Pens Letter to his fans from Federal Prison


    TITI Pens Letter from The Big House

    Rapper T.I., whose real name is Clifford J. Harris, is almost done completing an 11-month sentence after being arrested in 2010 for violating probation and failing a drug test.  In the last leg of his sentence, the rapper has written a final letter to his fans via his personal blog before his release next month.

    tip_meDennis Byron, Publisher (HHE), Rocky Williform, Publisher (Hiphopblog.com),
    Clifford J. Harris, Jr. aka TI at his 2009 Birthday celebration in Atlanta

    Within the letter, T.I. reminisces on his personal adversities and also thanks the people who have supported him throughout his hard times. “We complain about the pain so much that we don’t even notice how much stronger, wiser and better of a person the suffering has allowed us to become,” says Harris.  The rapper later goes onto say, “Next time you hear from me, I’ll be back out there with you. Doing for those who can’t do for themselves and speaking for those whose voices are never heard.” The sincere words written within the letter appears to definitely show some change within T.I.’s mentality.  Fans are hopeful that upon his release the rapper will be out for good.

    Under normal circumstances, we would report the history of this young man’s criminal past but everyone one already knows what he has endured, so we have decided to let his past be his past and await good music to be released from hip hop’s King of the South.

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