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A Hair Raising Good Time at the Bronner Bros. Hair Show!

Braided & Balled at the Bronner Bros. Intl. Hair Show
It’s that time of year again in Atlanta when all the hair stylists in the country flock to the Georgia World Congress Center to present their hair raising creations to the masses. The world famous Bronner Bros. International Hair Show is big business for the city of Atlanta as it attracts hundreds of thousands of models, stylists, marketing execs and consumers.

But if you think this is your average dog & pony show in the world of hair, think again! The three day event is more like an art extravaganza of beauty & hair styles. All types of cuts, colors, styles and concoctions are displayed for spectators to “oooh and aaahh” over. It’s really unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. You truly have to see to believe. Luckily for you, we at Hip Hop Enquirer had VIP access to take all these pics for you to enjoy! Let us know what you think. Who’s brave enough to rock any of these looks?

Local celeb Dwight Eubanks presents Clairol’s winners 
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