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Ms. Knowles aka Beyonce Talks Motherhood and Marriage


After years of performing and gracing stages all over the world, R&B diva, Beyonce Knowles is finally ready to focus on more than just being in the limelight. From a very young age, Beyonce began establishing herself as a performer and spent the majority of her childhood as a member of the group Destiny’s Child prior to establishing her solo career. “I have no regrets because my job kept me focused. When you’re young — 18 or 19 — you have the energy and drive. That’s the time to work as hard as you can,” says Beyonce.

Beyonce, who recently graced the cover of InStyle Magazine, revealed that she is ready to focus on motherhood and enjoying time with her husband, Jay-Z.  “Now I’m a woman, and because I gave it my all, I can focus on my marriage. I can decide I want to have kids. I can be the mother I want to be and dedicate myself to my children,” says the R&B songstress. However, will Beyonce’s plans for children permanently halt her thriving career? Or will she continue to live out her legacy while experiencing the joys of parenting and motherhood? Only time will tell. 

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