Kendrick Lamar x RockSmith Put Out ADHD Video



    One of our favorite West Coast newcomers, Kendrick Lamar, teamed up with one of our favorite clothing brands, Rocksmith Tokyo to give us the visuals to “ADHD” off of his recent mixtape, Section.80. Nobody but Kendrick, RockSmith and director superwoman Vashtie could make riding through the streets on bicycles, then chilling in some sort of office/warehouse space, wearing presidential masks look so cool. Read more to see the video.

    Here’s what Vashtie had to say about working with Kendrick: 

    “I had the honor of directing a music video for one of my new favorite artists – Kendrick Lamar. After falling in love with his mixtape Section.80 and playing it on repeat, I was given the choice to pick any song to direct. I settled on “A.D.H.D.” for it’s dark beat and melancholy lyrics, tones that have always resonated with me. Like most of Kendrick’s songs off Section.80, it felt like a confessional of a conflicted generation; a timeless and universal theme.

    I wanted the video to illustrate the emotion he paints with words, while avoiding gratuitous shots of any substance. Despite the song’s title and content, the focus isn’t the drugs, but rather, that basic human experience of apathetic youth. That simple mood of emptiness which we choose to either address or self-medicate.

    Kendrick is a monster. Not only is he gifted as a musician, but as a person, he’s a genuine sweetheart.

    I hope you like the video…” – Va$htie, Director


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