The Cat’s Out of the Bag! 1st Photo of Anne Hathaway as Catwoman Revealed!!!


    Anne Hathaway as Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises

    Okay, okay, in totally unrelated to hip hop news Warner Bros. has released the first photo of actress Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle aka Catwoman on the set of The Dark Knight Rises which will be released in the summer of 2012.

    Yes, I’m a total geek for posting this, and yes my editor will have my head on a silver platter, but the geek inside of me has emerged and I can fully admit that I did a full on deep inhale and drool after seeing this. It’s okay though. I have now retained composure and tucked my geek away (until further notice).

    At first, I was skeptical about hearing that Hollywood sweetheart Anne would take on such a dark role like Catwoman. Does she really have the acting chops to play a villain? A sexy villain at that! But hey, you never know. I also second guessed the decision for Heath Ledger to play the Joker in 2008’s critically acclaimed The Dark Knight which later earned the now deceased Ledger (R.I.P. to such great talent) an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.

    So you never know. One thing I’m certain about is that I’m already anticipating fighting every man, woman, child, grandmother, and comic book geek for movie tickets when the film opens in theaters next year! With that aside, let’s take a look at some other famous Hollywood felines who stepped into Catwoman’s claws. Take a look at the pics below and comment on who you think was the best. Or, tell us who you think would’ve been better.

    Julie Newmar was “purrrfect” as Catwoman
    during the 1960s tv series Batman

    Lee Meriwether later stepped into
    the catsuit for the film version

    Iconic actress Eartha Kitt finalized the
    role in the series ending season

    Our favorite incarnation of the role was Michelle Pfeiffer
    in Tim Burton’s Batman Returns

    1 more of Michelle just because

    And probably the most CAT-astrophic of all, Halle Berry as Catwoman
    which later earned her a RAzzie award.
    Which she gracefully accepted in person

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