

    The internet was set ablaze this week when renewed reports of the existence of a Jay-Z love child arose.

    The story, which was first broken in 2007 by Sandrarose.com, then in print days later by Hip Hop Weekly Magazine, is that Jay-Z fathered a child with Trinidadian model, Shenelle Scott.  Jay-Z has consistently denied these reports, but when photographs of the adorable little boy (born in 2002), who bears a strong resemblance to the Brooklyn-bred rapper, appeared on the internet, serious questions arose with regards to whether Jay-Z (whose own father left when he was 12 years old) was denying his child.

    This week, the father of Malik Sayeed–the man who was originally identified, by Scott, as the child’s father–gave an interview detailing how his son found out about Jay-Z’s paternity, Jay’s relationship with the child, and the now-pregnant Beyonce’s reaction to the news.

    There are still so many missing details, however, that it remains unclear as to whether we can believe these allegations, or should simply chalk them up as industry chatter.

    Until now….

    A source, which enjoyed a very close relationship with both the Carter & Scott families, has stepped forward to Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine, exclusively, and shared intimate details about Jay-Z’s relationship with the child, Scott’s personal relationship with Jay-Z, and the nature of the “agreement” between the two.  The source, who also had a professional relationship with Jay-Z, told us that the only reason they have not come forward until now, is that they were forced to sign a confidentiality agreement under duress and the threat of violence. Our source claims that Jay Z was not the one that threatened them but the individual in question had as much influence and power to carry the threat out.

    HHE has verified the credibility of this source, which has provided us with concrete audio evidence of their unquestionably close relationship with the Carter family.  The source also has multiple photographs in their possession, which substantiate the allegations, and is in the process of shopping the story (and photos) to book publishers & media outlets.

    One thing is for sure.  If all that this source says is true, there really is no church in the wild.

    Story developing…

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